Finished Tutorial: Yes Understands Controller Open/Close: Yes Prompted For Controller Disables: Yes Understands Command Chaining: Yes Tree Compatibility Version: 37 Self Movement Levitation Movement Ignores Pitch: Off Weapons Gravity Gun Contrived Physics: On Aimbot Target Selection Exclude Friends: On Players: Off Triggerbot Exclude Friends: On Players: Off Infinite Ammo: On Explosion Type: Up-n-Atomizer (Raygun) Vehicle Spawner In Vehicle Behaviour Drive Spawned Vehicles: On Online Transitions Transition Helper: Off Protections Events Crash Event Write To Log: Enabled Timeout: Disabled Kick Event Write To Log: Enabled Kick: Enabled Modded Event Block: Disabled CEO/MC Ban (Not My CEO) Write To Log: Enabled CEO/MC Kick (Not My Boss) Write To Log: Enabled Start Freemode Mission (Not My Boss) Write To Log: Enabled Send To Clubhouse (Not My President) Write To Log: Enabled Teleport To Warehouse (Not My CEO) Write To Log: Enabled Infinite Loading Screen Write To Log: Enabled Teleport To Cayo Perico Write To Log: Enabled Send To Cutscene Write To Log: Enabled Send To Job Write To Log: Enabled Transaction Error Event Write To Log: Enabled Vehicle Takeover Block: Enabled Write To Log: Enabled Disable Driving Vehicles Write To Log: Enabled Kick From Vehicle Block: Enabled Write To Log: Enabled Freeze Block: Enabled Write To Log: Enabled Force Camera Forward Write To Log: Enabled Love Letter Kick Blocking Event Block: Enabled Write To Log: Enabled Detections Classifications Any Classification Write To Log: Enabled Syncs Invalid Model Sync Block: Disabled Session Script Start Arcade Game Block: Disabled Session Breaking Block: Disabled Service Block: Disabled Open Interaction Menu Block: Disabled Flight School Block: Disabled Lightning Strike For Random Player Block: Disabled Disable Passive Mode Block: Disabled Darts Block: Disabled Impromptu Deathmatch Block: Disabled Slasher Block: Disabled Cutscene Block: Disabled Host Kicks Host Kick Karma: On Knockoff Breakup Kick Reactions Write To Log: On Love Letter & Desync Kicks Notification When Love Letter Kicked: On Desync Kick Karma: On Pickups Invalid Pickup Collected Block: Off Name Spoofing Respoof Invalid Names: Off Lessen Breakup Kicks As Host: On Block Join Karma: On Chat Commands Enabled For Me: On Prefix: / Type Out Player Names: On Bypass Profanity Filter: On Spoofing Name Spoofing Spoofed Name: ballsack Host Token Spoofing Spoofed Host Token: 0000000000000001 Session Player Bar Text Scale: 7 Reactions RID Join Reactions Notification: On Vote Kick Reactions Voting To Kick Anyone Notification: Enabled Players Settings Tags Brackets: STD Self:  Friend:  Crew Member:  In Timeout:  Modder:  Modder or Admin:  Admin:  Likely Modder:  Attacked You:  Host:  Script Host:  Invulnerable:  Indestructible Vehicle:  RC Vehicle:  Off The Radar:  In An Interior:  Spectating:  Typing:  Dead:  World Inhabitants Player ESP Bone ESP: Low Latency Rendering Game Disables Disable Game Inputs Invert: On while Stand is open ENTER_CHEAT_CODE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_START_STOP_RECORDING: On while Stand is open REPLAY_START_STOP_RECORDING_SECONDARY: On while Stand is open NEXT_CAMERA: On while Stand is open CINEMATIC_SLOWMO: On while Stand is open SCRIPTED_FLY_UD: On while Stand is open SCRIPTED_FLY_LR: On while Stand is open SCRIPTED_FLY_ZUP: On while Stand is open SCRIPTED_FLY_ZDOWN: On while Stand is open CHARACTER_WHEEL: On while Stand is open MULTIPLAYER_INFO: On while Stand is open SPRINT: On while Stand is open JUMP: On while Stand is open ENTER: On while Stand is open LOOK_BEHIND: On while Stand is open SPECIAL_ABILITY: On while Stand is open SPECIAL_ABILITY_SECONDARY: On while Stand is open MOVE_LR: On while Stand is open MOVE_UD: On while Stand is open MOVE_UP_ONLY: On while Stand is open MOVE_DOWN_ONLY: On while Stand is open MOVE_LEFT_ONLY: On while Stand is open MOVE_RIGHT_ONLY: On while Stand is open DUCK: On while Stand is open PICKUP: On while Stand is open COVER: On while Stand is open RELOAD: On while Stand is open TALK: On while Stand is open DETONATE: On while Stand is open HUD_SPECIAL: On while Stand is open ARREST: On while Stand is open CONTEXT: On while Stand is open CONTEXT_SECONDARY: On while Stand is open WEAPON_SPECIAL: On while Stand is open WEAPON_SPECIAL_TWO: On while Stand is open DIVE: On while Stand is open DROP_WEAPON: On while Stand is open DROP_AMMO: On while Stand is open THROW_GRENADE: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_LR: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_UD: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_UP_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_DOWN_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_LEFT_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_RIGHT_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_SPECIAL: On while Stand is open VEH_ACCELERATE: On while Stand is open VEH_BRAKE: On while Stand is open VEH_DUCK: On while Stand is open VEH_HEADLIGHT: On while Stand is open VEH_EXIT: On while Stand is open VEH_HANDBRAKE: On while Stand is open VEH_HOTWIRE_LEFT: On while Stand is open VEH_HOTWIRE_RIGHT: On while Stand is open VEH_LOOK_BEHIND: On while Stand is open VEH_CIN_CAM: On while Stand is open VEH_HORN: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_THROTTLE_UP: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_THROTTLE_DOWN: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_YAW_LEFT: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_YAW_RIGHT: On while Stand is open VEH_SPECIAL_ABILITY_FRANKLIN: On while Stand is open VEH_STUNT_UD: On while Stand is open VEH_ROOF: On while Stand is open VEH_JUMP: On while Stand is open VEH_GRAPPLING_HOOK: On while Stand is open VEH_SHUFFLE: On while Stand is open VEH_DROP_PROJECTILE: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_ROLL_LR: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_ROLL_LEFT_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_ROLL_RIGHT_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_PITCH_UD: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_PITCH_UP_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_PITCH_DOWN_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_UNDERCARRIAGE: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_SELECT_TARGET_LEFT: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_SELECT_TARGET_RIGHT: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_VERTICAL_FLIGHT_MODE: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_DUCK: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_TURN_LR: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_TURN_LEFT_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_TURN_RIGHT_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_PITCH_UD: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_PITCH_UP_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_PITCH_DOWN_ONLY: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_THROTTLE_UP: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_THROTTLE_DOWN: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_ASCEND: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_DESCEND: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_TURN_HARD_LEFT: On while Stand is open VEH_SUB_TURN_HARD_RIGHT: On while Stand is open VEH_PUSHBIKE_PEDAL: On while Stand is open VEH_PUSHBIKE_SPRINT: On while Stand is open VEH_PUSHBIKE_FRONT_BRAKE: On while Stand is open VEH_PUSHBIKE_REAR_BRAKE: On while Stand is open MELEE_ATTACK_LIGHT: On while Stand is open MELEE_ATTACK_HEAVY: On while Stand is open MELEE_BLOCK: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_DETACH: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_TURN_LR: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_TURN_LEFT_ONLY: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_TURN_RIGHT_ONLY: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_PITCH_UD: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_PITCH_UP_ONLY: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_PITCH_DOWN_ONLY: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_BRAKE_LEFT: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_BRAKE_RIGHT: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_SMOKE: On while Stand is open PARACHUTE_PRECISION_LANDING: On while Stand is open MAP: On while Stand is open SAVE_REPLAY_CLIP: On while Stand is open SPECIAL_ABILITY_PC: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_UP: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_DOWN: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_LEFT: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_RIGHT: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_SELECT: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_CANCEL: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_OPTION: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_EXTRA_OPTION: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_SCROLL_FORWARD: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_SCROLL_BACKWARD: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCK: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_CAMERA_GRID: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_CAMERA_SELFIE: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_CAMERA_DOF: On while Stand is open CELLPHONE_CAMERA_EXPRESSION: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_DOWN: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_UP: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_LEFT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RIGHT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RDOWN: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RUP: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RLEFT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RRIGHT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_AXIS_X: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_AXIS_Y: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RIGHT_AXIS_X: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RIGHT_AXIS_Y: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_PAUSE: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_PAUSE_ALTERNATE: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_ACCEPT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_CANCEL: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_X: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_Y: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_LB: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RB: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_LT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_LS: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_RS: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_LEADERBOARD: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_SOCIAL_CLUB: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_SOCIAL_CLUB_SECONDARY: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_DELETE: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_ENDSCREEN_ACCEPT: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_ENDSCREEN_EXPAND: On while Stand is open FRONTEND_SELECT: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_LEFT_AXIS_X: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_LEFT_AXIS_Y: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RIGHT_AXIS_X: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RIGHT_AXIS_Y: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RUP: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RDOWN: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RLEFT: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RRIGHT: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_LB: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RB: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_LT: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RT: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_LS: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_RS: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_PAD_UP: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_PAD_DOWN: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_PAD_LEFT: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_PAD_RIGHT: On while Stand is open SCRIPT_SELECT: On while Stand is open CURSOR_X: On while Stand is open CURSOR_Y: On while Stand is open INTERACTION_MENU: On while Stand is open MP_TEXT_CHAT_ALL: On while Stand is open MP_TEXT_CHAT_TEAM: On while Stand is open MP_TEXT_CHAT_FRIENDS: On while Stand is open MP_TEXT_CHAT_CREW: On while Stand is open PUSH_TO_TALK: On while Stand is open CREATOR_LS: On while Stand is open CREATOR_RS: On while Stand is open CREATOR_LT: On while Stand is open CREATOR_RT: On while Stand is open CREATOR_MENU_TOGGLE: On while Stand is open CREATOR_ACCEPT: On while Stand is open CREATOR_DELETE: On while Stand is open RAPPEL_JUMP: On while Stand is open RAPPEL_LONG_JUMP: On while Stand is open RAPPEL_SMASH_WINDOW: On while Stand is open MELEE_ATTACK1: On while Stand is open MELEE_ATTACK2: On while Stand is open WHISTLE: On while Stand is open MOVE_LEFT: On while Stand is open MOVE_RIGHT: On while Stand is open MOVE_UP: On while Stand is open MOVE_DOWN: On while Stand is open SNIPER_ZOOM_IN: On while Stand is open SNIPER_ZOOM_OUT: On while Stand is open SNIPER_ZOOM_IN_ALTERNATE: On while Stand is open SNIPER_ZOOM_OUT_ALTERNATE: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_LEFT: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_RIGHT: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_UP: On while Stand is open VEH_MOVE_DOWN: On while Stand is open REPLAY_MARKER_DELETE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_CLIP_DELETE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_PAUSE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_REWIND: On while Stand is open REPLAY_FFWD: On while Stand is open REPLAY_NEWMARKER: On while Stand is open REPLAY_RECORD: On while Stand is open REPLAY_SCREENSHOT: On while Stand is open REPLAY_HIDEHUD: On while Stand is open REPLAY_STARTPOINT: On while Stand is open REPLAY_ENDPOINT: On while Stand is open REPLAY_ADVANCE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_BACK: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TOOLS: On while Stand is open REPLAY_RESTART: On while Stand is open REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY: On while Stand is open REPLAY_CYCLEMARKERLEFT: On while Stand is open REPLAY_CYCLEMARKERRIGHT: On while Stand is open REPLAY_FOVINCREASE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_FOVDECREASE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_SAVE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TOGGLETIME: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TOGGLETIPS: On while Stand is open REPLAY_PREVIEW: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TOGGLE_TIMELINE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TIMELINE_PICKUP_CLIP: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TIMELINE_DUPLICATE_CLIP: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TIMELINE_PLACE_CLIP: On while Stand is open REPLAY_CTRL: On while Stand is open REPLAY_TIMELINE_SAVE: On while Stand is open REPLAY_PREVIEW_AUDIO: On while Stand is open VEH_HYDRAULICS_CONTROL_TOGGLE: On while Stand is open VEH_HYDRAULICS_CONTROL_LEFT: On while Stand is open VEH_HYDRAULICS_CONTROL_RIGHT: On while Stand is open VEH_HYDRAULICS_CONTROL_UP: On while Stand is open VEH_HYDRAULICS_CONTROL_DOWN: On while Stand is open VEH_HYDRAULICS_CONTROL_UD: On while Stand is open VEH_HYDRAULICS_CONTROL_LR: On while Stand is open SWITCH_VISOR: On while Stand is open VEH_MELEE_HOLD: On while Stand is open REPLAY_SNAPMATIC_PHOTO: On while Stand is open VEH_CAR_JUMP: On while Stand is open VEH_ROCKET_BOOST: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_BOOST: On while Stand is open VEH_PARACHUTE: On while Stand is open VEH_BIKE_WINGS: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_BOMB_BAY: On while Stand is open VEH_FLY_COUNTER: On while Stand is open VEH_TRANSFORM: On while Stand is open INPUT_QUAD_LOCO_REVERSE: On while Stand is open Prevent Numpad 7 Opening Social Club: On Stand Settings Appearance Colours Primary Colour: 99560032 Rainbow Mode: 12 Background Colour: 000000AF Unfocused Text Colour: FFFF00FF HUD Colour: FFFFFFFF AR Colour: FF0000FF Minigame Colour: FF0000FF Position: 1433, 204 Header Header: Custom Frame Interval: 40 Legacy Positioning: Off Address Bar Address Bar: Off Root Name: Hidden Address Separator: Stand/Online Show Cursor Position: On Cursor Rounded: On Colour: FFFFFFFF Tabs Width: 59 Position: Top Text Alignment: Centre Show Name: Off Show Icon Right: On Scrollbar Scrollbar: Disabled Command Info Text Position: Bottom Indicate Slider Behaviour: Off Notifications Custom Position: 323, 1060 Border Colour: FFFFFFFF Flash Colour: C8C8C84B Background Colour: 14141996 Border Width: 1 Rounded: On Colour: 7FFF96FF Max Visible Commands: 12 List Width: 413 Spacer Size: 1 Smooth Scrolling: 100 Background Blur: 10 Input Mouse Support Mouse Support: On Set Cursor Position On Non-Mouse Navigation: Off Controller Support: Off Keep Cursor When Revisiting Lists\: Reduced Effect For Huge Lists: Off Key Repeat Interval: 70 Key Long-Hold Repeat Interval: 50 Info Text Position: 1574, 451 Alignment: Centre Scale: 13 Notifications Suppress Generic Responses Command Box: On Lua Scripts WiriScript: On